Hello my friend

It has been a while since my last email. I hope you have been keeping as well as possible. I am sure life has given you moments of joy as well as moments of doubt. I have certainly experienced a short rollercoaster ride, one of which I tried not to stay on for longer than was necessary. Even though I know the ways of changing my thoughts from a negative state to a positive state, I still at times can struggle with this.

As we journey through life, we are presented with many different situations, a lot of them involving other people. Most of the time these are to teach us something … and it is our response which allows the direction of our growth. When a negative situation presents itself, it can sometimes be difficult not to act with a negative response, which feels justified in that moment. But the more we come to accept that negativity attracts negativity, the easier it will be too quickly think before we act, and then we can change an automatic response of negativity into a much more productive act of positivity. 

“But when we are tired and not feeling the best ourselves, this can sometimes be hard to do,” I hear you say. Now don’t get me wrong, I have said this to myself before now. But these reasons are really excuses and need to be worked on. If we respond in a negative way we must accept the consequences for our actions. But we always have a choice … to stay being negative or take the steps to change, and allow space to think of a more positive response. By walking away, resting or thinking about how we can behave differently, helps and leads us to a positive, calmer mindset. 

During these past few months I have learnt not to overreact to negative people … that is their choice and non of my business. I have learnt that the only actions I can control are mine … what someone else chooses to do is up to them. I have learnt that nobody makes me feel anything … I am in control of my own feelings. I have learnt that I am not in control of anyone else’s happiness … they have their own free will. I have learnt that as long as I am happy … I will feel content with my life.

If a situation is not making you feel good, either change it, move away from it or find a way you can ignore it. Be ready with activities you enjoy doing, which bring happy feelings within you. If you live with negativity, take time to be alone and do things that make you feel good. Don’t get involved with conversations that you know will lead to negative chatter. Schedule meditation into your day to allow peace and calm to surround you. Have one or two people you can contact when you need help with being uplifted. Look around and count your many blessings. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are special and loved.

Remember … you, and only you, are in control of your own happiness. Don’t allow anyone to take away your power.

The future will always look amazing when you stay focused on what you want. The things you have been through have gone … you cannot change the past. Be strong and move forward with purpose and determination. This is your life and all decisions are yours. I believe in you … 

I hope you have found this helpful in some way. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and thank you for taking the time to respond to this email. Have a beautiful day … you deserve it.

With gratitude and love,
