Hello my friend,

How are you? I hope you are finding ways to stay positive when life may not be as wonderful as you would like. I have been using positive affirmations to help me, and the results have been quite amazing.


Positive affirmations are an intentional form of self talk aimed at instilling positive messages. Our minds are products of our beliefs and it is our beliefs which determine how we feel, the actions we take and how we speak to ourselves.

When you don’t like the thoughts you are thinking or the actions you are taking, it is then time to change your self talk … and this is when positive affirmations are a great tool.


Positive affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to encourage and uplift the person saying them. They are always in the present tense, such as ‘I am’ not ‘I will’ or ‘I’m going to’. They only include positive words, such as ‘I enjoy life’ not ‘I don’t like life’. They are statements of fact, such as ‘I am’ not ‘I might’. You have to believe them and work with them until you do.


You can use them to accomplish anything imaginable. They also can be used to shift your attitude about yourself and raise your confidence and self esteem. Other things are to manifest more money, attract a romance, lose weight … but really, if you can think it then positive affirmations can help you achieve it.

Here are some positive affirmations to give you the idea, but create your own to suit your individual situation.

I know, accept and am true to myself. I enjoy life to the fullest. I have my dream job. Everyday of my life is filled with love. I easily accomplish all of my goals. I am surrounded by peaceful people. I endeavour to be the best I can be.

Repeat them as often as you feel you want to, or set a routine so it becomes a habit. Here’s a routine for you:- repeat the affirmation or affirmations 20 times, 3 times a day.

I hope you have found this short look into positive affirmations helpful. I will be writing a longer, more detailed blog about it in the very near future. Until then, if you have any questions about this subject, or any subject, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With gratitude and love
