Life is great ...  Yes its wonderful and there is so much joy around … so much to always feel grateful for … so much positivity that there is no time for stress or worry …. I feel so good.

But this is not reality for a lot of people. 

Life is so stressful … working so hard to earn money but still worry about money … feel so stressed and nothing to feel grateful for … no time to rest … I always feel tired.

How is life for you? Which scenario do you recognize as your life?

We all have choices, and the difference between these two lives is that the first person takes time to feel good, whereas the second person is too busy complaining that they forget to take time for themselves.

If you don’t look after yourself and feel good about yourself how can you possibly look after anyone else or feel good about your life? 

Allowing time for you takes your thoughts away from any issues you feel are pulling you down. And really it’s not the issues pulling you down, it’s your own thoughts about the issues doing that. If you just sit and think about things you believe are wrong, you feel worse. By doing something else to occupy your mind, you can begin to feel good and then things don’t look so bad. Eventually as you continue to enjoy feeling good, you can turn things around in your life by starting to look for solutions to your problems.

Here are my 5 tips on ways to feel good …………

1  Do something you love - Instead of saying I don’t have time for that, make time for it.  Things such as watching a movie, reading a book, or taking a long relaxing bath. By doing something nice for yourself, you allow your body to relax and your mind to focus on pleasant things. Taking just half an hour away from your worries, puts you in a better frame of mind and then you are able to look at things differently from a much calmer place.

2  Say no more often -    If you feel you have to do everything for everyone, and then get frustrated by the fact that you are … you have no-one to blame but yourself. If you really want to say no … then say no. When you answer people truthfully they understand better … and you don’t feel frustrated. The energy you share with others is positive when you are being honest with yourself.

3  Move your body - When you are in a state of worry or anxiety, your body will be tense and you may have stiffness in your shoulders - hence the saying, carrying the world on your shoulders. When you move your body you allow the tension to be released. The more time you spend moving , the better you’ll feel. Your body will feel energized and your worries will start to disappear as movement takes your mind off things. So move your body by going for a walk, playing your favourite tunes and dancing around your living room, or do some yoga or even some stretching … this is a great way to take away tension.

4  Declutter your mind -   This might appear a strange one, but it’s really not. We’re used to getting rid of the rubbish in our homes but we don’t do it with our mind …  and we accumulate a lot of rubbish thoughts up there!  Here’s a question for you … When you plant seeds, do you like to grow flowers or weeds? I expect you may choose the flowers, I know I do. Well, I’m not talking about planting seeds in your garden …  I’m talking about planting them in your mind. Every time you have a thought think of it like a seed. The way you think about this thought will either make it good or bad. Declutter your mind of weeds … the negative thoughts … and allow the flowers … the positive thoughts … to grow. When you feel yourself thinking negatively about something .. stop and look for the positive or if you feel you can’t find a positive, move your focus onto something else which is positive.

5  Be kind to yourself - Allow yourself the time to enjoy things, allow yourself the ability to move away from negativity. choose the people you surround yourself with carefully and love yourself more. Look in the mirror and tell yourself how proud you are of the many things you accomplish everyday. 

So these are my five tips to feel good …….. 1 - do something you love to do 2 - say no more often 3 - move your body 4 - declutter your mind 5 - be kind to yourself ..… and love yourself more.

Throughout my life … I have learnt that doing things I love allows me feel relaxed … I have learnt that by being honest with myself I can be honest with other people … I have learnt that my body loves to move and I feel so much better for it … I have learnt that my thoughts are mine and they create my emotions, and I only want to feel good …. and I have learnt that by being kind to myself, by taking care of my thoughts, I can always feel good. 

I hope you have found this helpful in some way. For more inspirational thoughts from me listen to my Tranquil Spirits podcast here

Have a beautiful day … you deserve it.

And remember ... always follow that dream

Enjoy a tranquil day ~ J 💜

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